broken lights and more
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Ah the joy of fixing things
I have a shoot next weekend and have to fix my lights. This will be so much fun. The problem is that I will need to go to a hardware store and find nuts and bolts that fits this speed ring so I can use it. But this got me thinking of something, why can't I build my own equipment to save money?
Making gadgets
I watched a guy on youtube and he was showing how to build a slider. At the end of his video he warns that we should only build his product to do "indie movie stuff" and says we should go and buy the real things. He further explains that the real "stuff" will give you the professional look. This is a bunch of crap. You are telling me that I can't look online, find the materials I need, find the videos to show me how to properly build, and not be professional? What makes a professional, a professional, is someone who puts hours and hours into his craft. A professional works on his craft until he can not get it wrong. A professional will fix his problems with the things he or she has. I get the people who built this equipment have the smarts to perfect their craft, and that buying their equipment will help us. But to say we have to buy their equipment or fail is complete and utter bull. Did this guy say this, no, but us "indie movie people" are very creative not because we want to create an indie feel but rather because we are broke and have no way to buy the proper materials needed to make our movie. And when we do make something and it doesn't do exactly what we needed it to, is not a failure but a learning experience. I believe you do need certain things like a camera and microphones and lights. But why would I need to buy a seven hundred dollar steadicam when I can build one for forty. My steadicam can do the same thing as a seven hundred dollar stedicam.
This week:
Getting ready for a shoot this saturday and learning Motion ... Still.... And maybe setting up my green screen.
"To change the world you must first share your story"
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