Giving credit where credit is due
Welcome to my Lair
Is this the return?
I have to admit I have been gone for a while. Really hard times has fallen on this writer and I admit went into a deep, deep, depression. I have to be honest I went into a "off" mode. I just didn't care what happen in the world and if I crawled into a hole and vanished, I would have been fine. About a week ago I came back to my senses and restarted my thinking process. I guess you can call it a reboot. I learned some hard lessons in the past two months. But thankfully the story I give you tonight was one I learned a very long time ago.
Giving Credit where Credit is due
I am very judgmental when it comes to my work. I always want it to be the best. So when I show my work to someone I take pride, even if it was bad, in my work. Because of this I also give credit where it is due. No need to steal anyone else's thunder. Because its all the much better when you finally achieved your goal.
When I came to my father about making a steadicam I showed him a video. This video shows a simple and easy way to make a steadicam. Now I could have made it myself but getting together with him just made it special. After the video my dad was real excited and said he was going to build it. And within 24 hours it was built. He then went out and sprayed painted it and gave it to me. As long as I have had that steadicam I always gave my father the credit.
Tonight I went to his house and at dinner he mention about reading my blogs. In a serious tone he called me out about me taking credit for building the steadicam. He explained that in one of my blogs I had taken credit for building the it. I was in shock and hurt, not because I was accused but that he thought I would take claim in building it. So I went back to the very article he was talking about and read the whole thing. I came to find out that my father had read the article in a hurry and just assumed that I wrote that. I have never seen my father so happy to be wrong. So dad, not only did you make the steadicam, you made a son proud to use it. And I can't wait until we make the next one, that one will be even better.
Photo of the day
Wow I didn't think I was going to write tonight but I found a picture I wanted to share
This photo comes from the mrs. So enjoy and I will catch you later.
"To change the world you must first share your story."
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