• This site is dedicated to my career in movie production.

  • Sunday, April 30, 2006

    Alright Good News

    Well I got my computer back for a moment. I have to go back and get a few more repairs done to it though it will work for now. I have some great news. We now have a place to shoot the movie. And we also have some actors. Things are starting to come together. Now all we need are two more actors and prayer and we will be on our way. Though I still have the problem with my camera. I am hoping by the end of this week I will have the answer to my night shot problem.

    Wednesday, April 26, 2006


    Just to let everyone know my computer is horrible. We have issues all the time. I am going to get it fixed so I will not post for a few weeks. Anyway, to let everyone know we do have a makeup artist and we also might have a location for the movie. We are still having problems with making fake glass. Though we are becoming pros at burning sugar. And new problems have risen. We are having problems on how to shoot a scene. We are shooting a scence outside and it is suppose to be dark. The problem is we don't know if we should use a filter or shoot at night and use lights. Hopefully I will get this settle in a few weeks. If anyone has a suggestion please do write. I need all the help I can get on this.

    Thursday, April 20, 2006


    Today I am meeting with a few people to discuss about our current movie. So far nothing is working. I'm hoping that after this meeting tonight we will be able to get the ball rolling. One thing I am hoping for is that we can get a makeup artist. If we can seal the deal then that will take somewhat of a load off my shoulders. If he doesn't decide to do it then me and the director have to tackle it by ourselves. That in itself is a scary thought. Anyway I will keep everyone posted.

    Wednesday, April 12, 2006


    Whoever knows me knows that I am with b.j.c productions. We are a very little group of people trying to chase very big dreams. A few days ago me and my other two partners just announce our next project, One Evening. This is the first project we have ever done that money is a big factor. Up to this point our movies have been shorts that maybe took two days to shoot and maybe a weekend to edit. And we shoot where we didn't need artifical lighting. Though this project will take a lot of planning and timing. Problems have already risen. First we have no money. As of right now we are dead broke and need funds to make this film. Second we need to find a location. I can write about that later. Another problem is my camera. I dont have a steady cam or a dolly. I know my director and he likes the picture to be perfect. If I was true to my camera I would have put some money aside and bought some things to make it better. There are more problems though I need to concentrate on my own problems first before tackling the other ones. If anyone can I am up to any suggestions. I can use all the help I can get. I will keep everyone up to date on how all of this turns out.
    Gods Bless
    ps This is a horror movie. I wish I could tell everyone what it is about though I can't until I get the clear from the director. later

    Wednesday, April 05, 2006

    My site

    A lot of people want to know what this site will be about. It will be about all kinds of things. It will be about about my spirtual walk with Christ. If I get good at this I hope to share fresh bread and spread the gospel. This site will also be about my love for movies and what projects im on and ect. It will also be about me and things that happen in my life. And so on. I also wanted to add that if I write about a movie I will try and tell what its rated,if kids can watch it and ect. If you have any compliants or want to respond to a post or just have a question about a movie, I will try to answer your question to the best of my knowledge.
    God Bless
    ps i am a fan of link if you cant tell so if you have any picture please do tell later