• This site is dedicated to my career in movie production.

  • Sunday, September 29, 2013

    time to get back to work

    Welcome to my Lair

    Getting back to work

    This week I am going back to the basics. I am going to study Motion and trying to work on some composition.


    So what is composition? Wikipedia defines it as "the placement or arrangement of visual elements or ingredients in a work of art, as distinct from the subject of a work." 
    This is a very important part of creativity in videography. Composition, if done correctly, will take your video from looking average to awesome. The average human attention span is only about three seconds. After that your mind sends off an alarm telling you that you need to move. This is a big reason why movies these days are somewhat ADHD. Composition plays a big role in keeping your mind trick into thinking that something is going on the whole entire time.

    This week
    I will try to post something once a night about something that deals with composition.

    Picture of the day
    Since my theme is composition the picture of the day comes from a project back in April. During parts of my video I would show pictures of the teacher, students and the school. While these pictures where showing I put a moving background. This composition helps keep the illusion of movement. Also just to note, green and white are the school colors. This isn't the best picture but it does give you an example of what I have been posting about. Maybe if I get more time I will create a small clip so you could get the full feel of what I am talking about.
    "To change the world you must first share your story."


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