News about the movie
Hope everyone is doing well out there. I have a lot of people asking me about the movie and how it is progressing. Just to let everyone know, this has been a slow process though things are coming together. Though I must admit there has been some rough spots along the way. Now that the filming is over, I have had a hard time motivating people to do anything for the movie. It sucks because I have been putting a lot of time into this and people are just goofing off like this movie is suppose to make itself. My editor did half of the job and decides to quit on me. He just got up and left. He really had no reason, just decided he didn't want to work on it anymore, gets up and leaves. This left me editing the rest of my project. And just to let everyone know, I am not good at it. Though I have been playing with the editing software, so all I have to do now is get someone to watch it with me and adjust a few things where it needs it. Anyway, After the editing is done all it will need are some credits, a score, and art done for the dvd. Anyway if anyone has any suggestions or questions you can leave me a post and I will get back to you as soon as I can.