• This site is dedicated to my career in movie production.

  • Friday, December 28, 2012

    Ah the things you don't learn in school

    Things they don't teach you in school
    When I let my wife read my post last night she raised a point that I still don't like to accept:
    I am not an aggressive person.

    You like my cheerleader analogy? Yea me too and I will get back to that in a minute. But let us stay on course and talk about being aggressive. A big problem, something that did not even occur to me until about a year ago, is that I am a very laid back individual. I don't let my emotions get the best of me, and when situations get really tough, I can keep a cool head and get the job done. While these are great attributes, the problem is that I become lazy and I don't pursue opportunities as well as I should. When I don't pursue these as aggressive as I should and don't get the job, I become discourage. And when I become discourage I get into a slump and really don't do anything.
    I have learn recently that if you want something, you have to go out and get it. You don't deserve a chance just because you were born and think people should give you a shot. You deserve a chance when you go out, bust your butt, improve your craft, and dare to dream, to reach for the stars. I also learned that you have to fail.

    Let me repeat this, you have to learn to fail:
    Now I don't mean you go out and purposely screw up a project, but you have to tackle challenges that you know nothing about and try to achieve goals that might seem impossible. Adam Savage said something that has always stuck with me, he said "We grow up in a world where we see failure as a bad thing, failure is not bad, when we fail we learn something we did not know before." So I go out and I tackle a problem and try to discover the answer. Now, 9 times out of 10 I don't find the solution to my problem and sometimes its frustrating and just plain sucks. But what I do find are other things I might have never thought of and store it in my brain for other problems that might occur down the road.

    In the End
    You can be your biggest fan or your worst enemy. You have to cheer yourself on, and sometimes you have to take the voice thats in your head and mute it. You can't be lazy and you can't sit on your couch expecting a phone call to change your life.

    Next time
    I will talk about gofundme, and whether I should do this or not



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