• This site is dedicated to my career in movie production.

  • Friday, February 22, 2013

    Feeling not ready

    Welcome to my lair


    Yea, so I am missing an extension cord and sand for tomorrow. The sand is not hard to find. There is enough ditches around here to fill my bags temporally, but the extension cord, yea this will be a problem. I have 2 prong cords but I need a 3 prong cord, and I have no money to buy one. Yes tomorrow will be a creative day.

    Being creative:

    That is my message for everyone today, be creative. I always hear how people want a certain look for there movie or commercial and then hear those famous words "but we don't have the money to create that." Now I have been here plenty of times but what makes me and some of people different is that we figure out a way to still make the shot happen. On my first short I ever film we were stuck with a problem. We needed a boom stick and mic mic for a scene. The problem was we had no money for a poll or mic. So we decided to take a mic that my dad found in a land field, cut down some bamboo, and duck tape the two together. And strangely enough it work. So don't let anyone tell you, you can't do it because you don't have the money to do it.

    To Change the world you must first share your story

    Thursday, February 21, 2013

    Getting ready for the weekend

    Welcome to my Lair

    Friday is almost here

    So tomorrow is the equipment check day. You know what I like about equipment check day, I get to play. :) This is the time I get to take out my toys and make sure that they are good to go. I am not on a time schedule or trying to make things work, tomorrow is just about putting some good music on and playing.

    Light bulb went off today:

    As I was watching some youtube videos today something occurred to me for the first time today. I now have the equipment to start trying things I never thought I was going to be able to do. I have a green screen, I have lights, and I have mics. I have the editing system to play with. It is now time to start making things happen. If I want to make this business successful and running I need to do this. So starting this weekend I will try one experiment and put it on youtube and this blog to see. I am ready for failure. (If you have been reading my blogs then you know where I am referencing this from)

    Motion is a stand still:

    I need to get back on my quest to learning Motion. This program can do many things and I need to take advantage of it. So starting tomorrow, I will start my lessons again and blog about that too.

    "To change the world you first need to share your story"

    Wednesday, February 20, 2013

    new day new projects

    Welcome to my Lair:

    Its Wednesday

    As I write this I am waiting on my friend to give me a call and give me the details on the current project. He also got me into contact with a guy who wants some editing done. But after talking with this guy I don't think I will take the job. He is just have too many red flags for me to take it. Which brings me to my next point.


    I have seen this type way to many times. A hot shot that has all the connections and wants you to work for him. But here is the thing, first off this guy wants the basics. I have been in the business long enough that no one wants the basics. 2. He talks about paying for one project but has many projects for you to do. This is a red flag. Let me explain, if someone is serious about there project they will only talk about that project. Then that person would only want you to do that project and then if he or she likes you then will ask you for more. This guy didn't, he went straight into the third or fourth project he wants me to do. I don't buy into this, and finally the third and final thing he did to set me off, he ask me to do something for him for free. He has some kind of horror movie and wants me to create some music for him. At this point he did not talk about any money or make any suggestions of paying. Sorry man at this point I have to back down and not take the job. I not about to work for hours on hours end and get payed below minimum wage.

    Fun times

    Hope to have news soon on the project this weekend and will blog with you later

    "To change the world you must first share your story"

    Monday, February 18, 2013

    That time again

    Welcome to my lair

    Weekend is coming:

    I am very excited to announce that a good friend of mine is coming back to memphis next weekend to do a shoot. I can't wait to hear the details of this project and what we will be doing. And trust me my audience will know the details once I know them.

    Photos are coming:

    I have been taking pictures with the Rebel t4i and I must say I have fell in love with this camera. It is awesome. I will have some photos for you the next time I upload some photos. Later

    "You can only change the world after you first share your story"

    Wednesday, February 13, 2013

    slackers never prosper

    Welcome to my Lair

    Being a slacker:

    These past two weeks I have not done anything relating to film. Still trying to recover from being sick and trying to take a test that is due in a couple of months. I did get a chance to play some more with the light kits and I am very pleased with how they work. I also got my hands on the Rebel T4i and let me say I love that camera. The next chance i get I will post some of the pictures I have taken.

    Ah motion how I need to figure you out. I have not used Motion lately but I have been watching youtube video of green screens and how to matte them using motion. This will be a slow process but I will get this program.

    Hopefully I will post tomorrow.

    "You can only change the world after you have first shared your story"

    Saturday, February 09, 2013


    Welcome to my Lair


    I have been playing with the light kit I got a few weeks ago. It's sad that I only now getting to play with them but , better late than never.
    I forgot how hard it is to install a bulb that you cannot touch. These bulbs might be the size of two pencils together  but they shine as though you have 20 lights on at once. I still have a few more things to try out and lots of more frustrations coming my way. I still need to relearn how to use these properly. I need to reread about key, side, and backlighting, and how to properly gel a light. There is a science to it and I just need to make my skills up to par again.


    Well have not done much with motion this week. Between being sick and work, I have not done much of anything.

    Starting next week:

    Getting back on my track of creating my business. I will continue playing with the lights and motion. I will also be getting some more test footage so I can try out the slow motion.

    "You can only change the world once you share your story"

    Monday, February 04, 2013

    Been sick

    Welcome to my Lair

    Been sick:

    Sadly the last 4 days I have been really really sick. Not much has happen since all I have done is sleep and take medicine. I am feeling better though so everyone should see me writing blogs soon.

    What is coming up this week:

    I will continue my quest at trying to figure out motion and should start on slow motion tests. Also finally playing with the light kit so I am supper excited. Sorry its short though I will post some pictures and video soon later.

    "To change the world you must first share your story"