• This site is dedicated to my career in movie production.

  • Thursday, January 03, 2013

    The Sky is Falling

    Interview day:

    Ah the interview day, the day that I never like, you never know what will happen. As I arrived the butterflies in my stomach always go crazy, and the first thought in my head is "run, run to the hills before your up to your armpits in martians." (Bugs Bunny quote) But I tell myself to be calm and be yourself. This guy on the phone sounded like he has a passion for his idea and when you meet these kind of people, great things always happen. As I am walking in the door, the guy on the phone introduces himself and we sit and had a good discussion. By the end of the discussion we stroke a deal and we shot tomorrow. YES!!!!!!! But I have encounter a small problem.

    The problem:
    This project has to be ready to go by Wednesday. Gulp, its a fast deadline, but I am thankful I have the weekend off. We shoot Friday, and that's gives me Saturday and Sunday to edit. That is a total of 16 hours to edit before Monday. I can give him a rough copy by Monday and hopefully he likes it and all I have to do is make some simple adjustments and boom, he gets the copy by Wednesday. In a perfect world that would be great, but it never goes by plan. So I will take this one day at a time and keep everyone up to on how the editing goes.

    Next few days:
    Since this is my first project I will be doing while trying to blog at the same time, my posts might become a little shorter than normal. Scary thought since these posts are short to begin with. Also when this project is over I will post some pictures of the project. Ladies and Gents, this is a good way to start off the year.

    Coming up in the future:
    After the project is done I will make my gofundme account. I have found a lead that says that I can buy lights as low as 250. I don't know if this is just for the light or for everything but I will investigate and make sure this is legit. Afterward I am getting back to trying to create the web series. On Sunday I will introduce a new blog for other viewers to read. I am excited to introduce her and hope you all will click on her link and read her blogs. But I will keep you in suspense until then. So, still go and check out thenetflixhorrorguide blog. This blog is finding films that I didn't even know exists and I know a lot of films. So if you like horror films go check it out. Leave a comment and tell me what you think. +Laile Griffin I found you Booya I'm awesome :)

    Griff's Lair


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