• This site is dedicated to my career in movie production.

  • Friday, March 15, 2013

    faults and troubles with shooting projects

    Welcome to my lair

    The fun of putting something together

    To catch everyone up I did give the guy all the footage from last saturday. I did not realize that MTS files on a mac take a ridiculous long time to render and then even longer to put on a DVD. Note to self, if I can stay away from the xa10 then I will.

    Troubles with the school footage:

    I must say that this is my fault. I first tried to load all the footage, both the t4i and xa10 at the same time. Note to self never do that. It would have been easier to load just one at a time and cleaner. I now have to sort through a lot of pictures and movies and start making this work. I did not know that shooting with the x-grip would as challenging as I originally thought. It did take away the shakes on the camera but added movement I am not to fond of. It made me realize that I need to practice with this more and find out the proper way to hold it. I did get some great pictures from the t4i so its not a complete failure. Another thing I found is that you can't let 12 years old film with the x-grip either. Again this is my fault. I wanted to let some of the students on and let them help with the project. While this idea was pure, my video did not come back the way I thought it would. But thats fine I will somehow use this art to my advantage and make this project work. Next friday I will go a different route with the interviews and still use the x-grip to try to create an environment that will go with the story.

    Letting kids shoot is not a complete failure:

    But I must say I did enjoy letting the kids help and I did enjoy watching them help. Was I in constant fear that they would break my equipment, yes, Yes I was. But to see the excitement on their faces was awesome and  I will try my best to use their shots for the promo. This will be challenging and exciting. I hope that I get to use them again next friday. I think that if I can somehow make it known that the kids help, it will not only help the school but would help me in the long run.

    Making a long term project

    I am thinking of making a movie. I have a documentary idea that has been in my head for 18 months now. And since I do have the equipment to make it work I need to start writing it. So my next step is finding out how to write a script and making plans to writing this. This project would take me two years to do so I need to get on this if I want to do it.

    I can only change my world with one story at a time so HERE... WE... GO!

    "To change the world you must first share your story"

    Sunday, March 10, 2013

    Long weekend

    Welcome to my lair

    Long exhausted weekend:

    I have been working on projects all weekend long. Today is the get them on a dvd day, so my computer is on overdrive trying to render these projects. I am 4 down 3 to go on rendering DVD's. If I can get one more DVD then I can leave my computer and it can do the rest. I need to find a way to where I can transfer this data easier than what I am doing right now. Tomorrow will be the start of putting on the school footage and reviewing what I have done.

    School footage: 

    This is one of those projects that will make or break me. I know I have it in me to make this project awesome. My goal is simple, make this look good so I can attract clients. The challenges I face at the moment is creating a story with what I have. I know I don't have all the interviews or footage but I can still create a rough draft that can steer me into the right direction. Once I do get a direction I can then focus on graphics and coloring for this project.

    This week:

    I will make a story line with the school and find ways to make transferring data easier.

    "To change the world you must first share your story"

    Thursday, March 07, 2013

    Tomorrow is a busy day

    Welcome to my Lair

    Tomorrow will be filled with surprises

    As I should be getting ready for tomorrow, I have to start and wonder. What will tomorrow bring? I can plan and make predictions but I still won't know until tomorrow is done. Here is what I know

    1. Lights will be a pain. I am going to have to make a few places to set up shop. I am also going to need to keep children from touching my lights.
    2. cameras: I need to be at two places at once but how
    3. sound: to always keep good sound and to make it count when I need it to work
    Tomorrow needs to go smooth, Like I have a plan, which I am taking a break on. And lots of sleep which I have not done.

    now if I can only get my hands on sand :)

    " You can only change the world when you first share you story"

    Wednesday, March 06, 2013

    Loving when plans come together

    Welcome to my Lair

    Good day at the office:

    I am doing a project for my son at his school. I must admit, at first, I was not too fond of the idea. This project is going to be somewhat difficult because of the time issue and kids. But, as i have been talking to the head person in the school I started to feel comfortable with it. But today, man after today, I am excited about doing this project. I was able to see the rooms on the third floor. This floor is didicated to the elementary kids, and when I first walk into this room I was astound. This room is awesome, so awesome that the first words that came out of my mouth was " Dang if my classroom was like this I might have actually learned something." This place felt like home, a place where I could get lost in my creativity and focus on the tasks at hand. It is, also the first time I came across a problem i like. There are so many good spots to shoot I don't know which one to do. I will have to make a decision soon because I start shooting on friday. So this also posses another problem, I have to get my equipment ready.

    Equipment check:

    Tomorrow will have to be my equipment check day. And after being at my work all day I won't want to do that. But I will have to check everything if I want to be prepared for friday so up all night for me.
    I will check two lights, mics, and cameras. I will make sure everything has fresh batteries and is in working order. And once I pack it up I will be ready.

    This weekend:

    I will be shooting for the most part. And I will keep everyone posted on what happens.

    "You can only change the world after you first share your story"

    Sunday, March 03, 2013

    broken lights and more

    Welcome to my Lair

    Ah the joy of fixing things

    I have a shoot next weekend and have to fix my lights. This will be so much fun. The problem is that I will need to go to a hardware store and find nuts and bolts that fits this speed ring so I can use it. But this got me thinking of something, why can't I build my own equipment to save money?

    Making gadgets

    I watched a guy on youtube and he was showing how to build a slider. At the end of his video he warns that we should only build his product to do "indie movie stuff" and says we should go and buy the real things. He further explains that the real "stuff" will give you the professional look. This is a bunch of crap. You are telling me that I can't look online, find the materials I need, find the videos to show me how to properly build, and not be professional? What makes a professional, a professional, is someone who puts hours and hours into his craft. A professional works on his craft until he can not get it wrong. A professional will fix his problems with the things he or she has. I get the people who built this equipment have the smarts to perfect their craft, and that buying their equipment will help us. But to say we have to buy their equipment or fail is complete and utter bull. Did this guy say this, no, but us "indie movie people" are very creative not because we want to create an indie feel but rather because we are broke and have no way to buy the proper materials needed to make our movie. And when we do make something and it doesn't do exactly what we needed it to, is not a failure but a learning experience. I believe you do need certain things like a camera and microphones and lights. But why would I need to buy a seven hundred dollar steadicam when I can build one for forty. My steadicam can do the same thing as a seven hundred dollar stedicam.

    This week:

    Getting ready for a shoot this saturday and learning Motion ... Still.... And maybe setting up my green screen.

    "To change the world you must first share your story"